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63476 In some contexts, discriminatory attacks spilled over to other groups. 歧视性攻击在某些情况下还蔓延到其他群体。
63477 According to the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Roma communities in northern Spain were targeted, allegedly as they were the first to be contaminated by COVID-19.  据马德里自治大学教科文组织“社会正义教育”教席称,西班牙北部的罗姆人社区成为了受歧视对象,因为他们被据说是第一批感染新冠病毒的群体。
63478 Similarly, the UNESCO Chair for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education in India reported that Muslim communities, who represent the largest minority of the country, have been victims of attacks and other forms of discrimination amidst the pandemic. 同样,印度马尼帕尔高等教育学院教科文组织“促进和平与非暴力文化”教席报告称,穆斯林作为该国最大的少数群体,在疫情当中成为了歧视攻击和其他形式歧视的受害者。
63479 These episodes started to emerge when the spread of the virus was allegedly associated with a gathering held by a Muslim missionary movement in March.  病毒的传播据说与3月份一场穆斯林传教活动举行的集会有关,歧视事件因此发生。
63480 Discrimination and stigma take new forms as the pandemic evolves 随疫情发展,歧视和污名化出现新形式
63481 It has been observed that discrimination evolved in many places in parallel to the pandemic, and that new targets were chosen along the way. 据观察,许多地方的歧视现象随疫情的发展而演变,并且出现了新的受歧视对象。
63482 If, at the very beginning targets were those erroneously considered as the cause of the disease, the fear of contagion led progressively to attacks also against people who, for different reasons, were particularly exposed to the virus. 如果说一开始的攻击目标是那些被错误地认为是病毒源头的人,那么对传染的恐惧则逐渐导致那些由于不同原因特别容易感染病毒的人也遭受到攻击。
63483 As quoted by the UNESCO Chair on housing at the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona in Spain, the targets of discriminatory attacks changed over the weeks as “another type of stigmatization arose out of the fear of being infected.” 正如西班牙塔拉戈纳市罗维拉·依维尔基里大学教科文组织“住房问题”教席所引述,歧视性攻击的目标在几周内发生了改变,因为“对病毒感染的恐惧产生了另一种污名化”。
63484 In some cases, this fear resulted in threats against healthcare workers and supermarkets clerks who were at risk of being infected in their workplaces. 这种恐惧有时会导致医务人员和超市员工遭受威胁,因为他们在工作场所有被感染的风险。
63485 For instance, the UNESCO Chair in conflict resolution at the University of Córdoba reported that healthcare professionals were asked by their communities not to go back to their homes, so as to avoid contaminating their neighbours. 例如,据科尔多瓦大学教科文组织“冲突解决”教席报告称,有些社区要求医务人员不要回家,以免感染邻居。