ID 原文 译文
63565 中国坚持以民为本、生命至上, In fighting the virus, China has been putting the people first, for nothing in the world is more precious than people’s lives.
63566 始终本着公开、透明、负责任态度, All along, China has acted with openness, transparency and responsibility.
63567 始终秉持构建人类命运共同体理念, China stands for the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind
63568 既对本国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也对全球公共卫生事业尽责。 and takes it as its responsibility to ensure not just the life and health of its own citizens, but also global public health.
63569 习近平指出,现在疫情还在蔓延,防控仍需努力, Xi pointed out that at the time of his statement, the virus is still raging, and more must be done to bring it under control.
63570 要全力搞好疫情防控, Countries must do everything they can for COVID-19 control and treatment.
63571 发挥世卫组织领导作用, The World Health Organization should lead the global response.
63572 加大对非洲国家支持, There should be greater support for Africa,
63573 加强全球公共卫生治理,恢复经济社会发展,加强国际合作。 and more efforts to strengthen global governance in the area of public health, restore economic and social development, and enhance international cooperation.
63574 习近平宣布中国为推进全球抗疫合作的五大举措,呼吁各国携起手来,共同构建人类卫生健康共同体。    On behalf of China, he announced five measures to boost international cooperation against COVID-19 and called on all parties to come together and work as one to build a global community of health for all.