ID 原文 译文
63625 ——中国将同联合国合作,在华设立全球人道主义应急仓库和枢纽,努力确保抗疫物资供应链,并建立运输和清关绿色通道。   China will work with the UN to set up a global humanitarian response depot and hub in China, ensure the operation of anti-epidemic supply chains and foster “green corridors” for fast-track transportation and customs clearance.
63626 ——中国将建立30个中非对口医院合作机制,加快建设非洲疾控中心总部,助力非洲提升疾病防控能力。    China will establish a cooperation mechanism for its hospitals to pair up with 30 African hospitals and accelerate the building of the Africa CDC headquarters to help the continent ramp up its disease preparedness and control capacity.
63627 ——中国新冠疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,将作为全球公共产品, COVID-19 vaccine development and deployment in China, when available, will be made a global public good.
63628 为实现疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可担负性作出中国贡献。   This will be China’s contribution to ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.
63629 ——中国将同二十国集团成员一道落实“暂缓最贫困国家债务偿付倡议” —China will work with other G20 members to implement the Debt Service Suspension Initiative for the poorest countries.
63630 ,并愿同国际社会一道,加大对疫情特别重、压力特别大的国家的支持力度,帮助其克服当前困难。   China is also ready to work with the international community to bolster support for the hardest-hit countries under the greatest strain of debt service, so that they could tide over the current difficulties.
63631 习近平最后呼吁,让我们携起手来,共同佑护各国人民生命和健康,共同佑护人类共同的地球家园,共同构建人类卫生健康共同体。    Before he concluded, he called on all countries to come together and work as one, make concerted efforts to protect the life and health of people in all countries, safeguard planet Earth, our common home, and build a global community of health for all!
63632 联合国秘书长和其他国家领导人在致辞中均表示,支持多边主义,支持世卫组织作用,支持加强国际社会抗击疫情的协调与合作。 In their statements, the UN Secretary General and other world leaders all expressed their support for multilateralism, for WHO, and for greater international coordination and cooperation to fight the disease.
63633 Me encuentro BIEN, pero he vuelto de una zona con casos conocidos de COVID-19, ¿debería ir a trabajar? 我健康状况良好,但刚从已知存在COVID-19病例的地区返回。我应该去单位工作吗?
63634 Sí, vaya a trabajar y póngase en contacto con los servicios médicos internos de su organización para que realicen una evaluación del riesgo. 是的,应该去工作,并应联系所在组织的内部医疗服务处进行风险评估。