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63764 在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延的时候,我们也出台了一些政策,但是当时复工复产还在推进中,复业复市受阻,一些政策不可能完全落地,很多人都待在家里。 When COVID-19 was still raging, some policies were introduced. But with the economy barely reopened, the situation then made it difficult for these policies to get truly delivered on the ground, as most of the people still had to stay indoors.
63765 在这个过程中,我们也积累了经验。 This has been a process of gaining experience.
63766 正是根据前期的经验和对当前形势的判断,我们在政府工作报告中推出的规模性政策举措,应该说是有力度的。 Based on the experience in the past weeks and months and our assessment of the current situation, we have decided on new policy steps of a sizable scale as set out in the Government Work Report, and we believe these measures are forceful.
63767 过去我们说不搞“大水漫灌”,现在还是这样,但是特殊时期要有特殊政策,我们叫作“放水养鱼”。 We have repeatedly said that we will not flood China's economy with liquidity. We didn't do it in the past; we will not do it now. But the current unusual time requires extraordinary measures.
63768 没有足够的水,鱼是活不了的。 Just as water is important to fish farming, sufficient liquidity is important to economic development.
63769 但是如果泛滥了,就会形成泡沫,就会有人从中套利,鱼也养不成,还会有人浑水摸鱼。 But too much water will induce froth in the fish pond, whereby some people may attempt to muddy the waters and fish for arbitrage.
63770 所以我们采取的措施要有针对性,也就是说要摸准脉、下准药。 We must ensure that measures taken are well-focused, the prescription is precise and the medicines for getting out of the hardship effective.
63771 钱从哪里来、用到哪里去,都要走新路。 New approaches must be employed as to where the money comes from and how it is spent.
63772 这次规模性政策筹措的资金分两大块:一块是新增财政赤字和发行抗疫特别国债,共两万亿元。 The financing raised through policies of a sizable scale can be grouped into mainly two categories. The first covers the increase of fiscal deficits and issuance of government bonds for COVID-19 control. Together it amounts to 2 trillion RMB yuan.
63773 还有另外更大的一块,就是减免社保费,有的国家叫工薪税,并动用失业保险结存,推动国有商业银行让利、自然垄断性企业降价以降低企业的经营成本。这一块加起来大概是前一块的两倍。 The other category, which is roughly twice as big, covers payment relief for enterprises of their contributions to social security schemes, also known as payroll tax in some other countries, and taps into the balance of the unemployment insurance fund, interest concessions made by state-owned commercial banks, and price reductions in natural monopoly industries to lower enterprises' operating costs.