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63784 有人呼吁就源头问题开展国际审议。 There have been calls for an international independent inquiry into the origins.
63785 中方对调查持何立场?您认为这样的调查应该达到什么目的?应该避免什么问题? What is China's stance on how such an inquiry should be carried out? What should such an inquiry do and what should it not do?
63786 李克强:中国和许多国家都主张对病毒进行溯源。 Premier Li: China and many countries believe that it is important to get a clear idea about the sources of the coronavirus.
63787 前不久召开的世卫大会通过了有关决议,中国也参与了。 At the recently held World Health Assembly, a resolution was adopted, and China is one of the co-sponsors of this resolution.
63788 因为科学溯源可以更好地防控疫情,也是为了世界各国人民的生命健康。 We believe that getting clear about the sources of the virus on the basis of science will help us better carry out containment of COVID-19, and also contribute to protecting life and health of people around the world.
63789 这次疫情突如其来,对人类来说是个全新的传染病,到现在可以说还是未知大于已知。 The novel coronavirus disease has caught all countries by surprise. It is a completely new disease to humankind. So far, I'm afraid there is still more to the virus that we do not yet know.
63790 病毒是没有国界的,它是全世界、全人类的敌人。 Viruses respect no borders, and they are the common enemy of the whole world and entire humanity.
63791 各国都在进行防控,在探索中前进,目前还没有完整的经验。 Nowadays, all countries are still working hard to contain the spread of the virus, and we are gaining experience along the way.
63792 我们要控制住疫情的发展,加快疫苗、有效药物、检测试剂研发突破,这将是人类战胜这个病毒的强有力武器。 We must work together to keep the virus in check. Research efforts need to be intensified for breakthroughs in vaccines, effective medicines and testing reagents, as they will be powerful weapons to help us succeed in checking the virus.
63793 中国和许多国家都在进行投入,我们也愿意开展国际合作。 China and many other countries are making investments into R&D of these products, and we are open to international cooperation.