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63794 这些产品是全球公共产品,我们愿意共享,最终让人类能够共同战胜病毒这个敌人。 The deliverables of the R&D will be global public goods that we are ready to share with others. They will help the entire humankind in defeating the virus.
63795 中国人民经过艰苦卓绝努力,现在有效控制了疫情,同时积极参与国际合作,公开透明负责任地及时向国际社会通报有关信息。但现在疫情还在全球流行,在中国也未结束,还有散发病例,不少科学家都强调,还是要保持警惕,防止反弹。 With painstaking efforts, the Chinese people have successfully brought the spread of the virus under control. And China has taken an active part in international cooperation against the virus. We have all along acted with openness, transparency and a sense of responsibility. We have shared information in a timely way with the rest of the international community. The virus is still spreading around the world. And in China it has not come to a complete end yet; there are still sporadic cases. Scientists have cautioned us to stay on high alert to prevent a resurgence of infections.
63796 我们将继续坚持实事求是、公开透明的原则,一旦发现疫情,坚决予以管控,不允许有任何隐瞒,而且要进行科学防治。 We must continue to adopt a factual, science-based, open and transparent approach in dealing with COVID-19. Any infection, once detected, must be promptly handled, and no cover-up will ever be allowed.
63797 现在很多人都说疫情可能短期不会结束,还会延续一段时间。 Many people say that COVID-19 will not come to a stop any time soon and we may have to live with it for quite some time to come.
63798 实际上国际社会已经面临双重挑战、要做两张答卷:一方面要控制住疫情;一方面要恢复经济社会发展,恢复正常秩序。 All countries now are confronted with dual challenges. It's like doing double exams. We have to contain the spread of the virus, and at the same time do our best to get life and work back to normal.
63799 这两者是有矛盾的,如果只是做一个方面的事就不一样了。 I'm afraid there is a certain level of trade-off between these two goals. Things would be quite different if we had only one task.
63800 我们现在需要在矛盾中平衡、探索中前行,尤其需要国际合作。 So we will have to do our utmost to strike a delicate balance and continue to explore our way forward. In this process, international cooperation is vitally important.
63801 无论是抗击疫情,还是发展经济,都需要我们同舟共济,使人类能够越过这场巨浪的冲击。 Whether it's fighting the virus or growing the economy, we must come together in a sense of partnership to eventually fight back the onslaught of the epidemic.
63802 中央广播电视总台央视记者:您在政府工作报告中阐述了今年中国经济政策。 CCTV: In the Government Work Report, this year's economic policies have been spelled out.
63803 政府会采取哪些措施保证这些资金真正地惠及企业、避免空转,能让普通老百姓切切实实地感受到? What will the government do to ensure that all these funds will be truly delivered to benefit companies, instead of just circulating within the financial sector, and bring real gains to the general public?