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63804 李克强:这是一次前所未有的冲击,我们不可能轻车走熟路,只能是大车行难路。 Premier Li: In coping with the current round of unprecedented shocks, we don't have ready experience to draw from. It's not something we can manage with ease, and we will have to blaze a trail with hard efforts.
63805 所以我们在政策上要注重创新。 We must be creative in crafting and delivering our policies.
63806 我刚才讲了,我们推出的规模性政策叫作纾困和激发市场活力,注重的是稳就业、保民生,主要不是依赖上基建项目。 As I said just now, our policies, which are of a sizable scale, are designed to provide vital relief to businesses and revitalize the market, with particular focus on stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihood. They are not focused on large infrastructure projects.
63807 因为现在中国经济结构发生很大变化,消费在经济增长中起主要拉动作用,而且中小微企业在吸纳就业中占90%以上。 This is because big changes have taken place in China's economic structure, where consumption is now the primary engine driving growth, and micro, small and medium-sized companies now provide over 90 percent of all jobs in China.
63808 我们这次所采取的规模性政策,用了70%左右的资金直接或比较直接地去支撑居民收入,这样做可以促进消费、带动市场。 So under the sizable-scale policies introduced this time, some 70 percent of the funds will be used to support the increase in people's income through direct or relatively direct means in order to spur consumption and energize the market.
63809 而且因为疫情,我们面临一个很大的难题,就是疫情防控措施会抑制消费。 One big challenge we have confronted in coping with COVID-19 is that containment efforts have had a dampening effect on consumption.
63810 我们按这样的方向推动政策实施,也是市场化的改革。 Hence, measures in this direction are also part of our market-oriented reform.
63811 其次,我们强调政策资金要直达基层、直达企业、直达民生。 Second, the funds made available will all be used to support primary-level governments and businesses, and ensure people's livelihood.
63812 新增的赤字和抗疫特别国债资金全部转给地方,省里也只是“过路财神”,要直达基层。 The increase of budget deficits and funds raised from the issuance of government bonds for COVID-19 control will all be channeled to primary-level governments. Even provincial governments will be just passers-by to these funds.
63813 可能有人会问,那基层就能把这笔钱用好吗? Some people may ask whether primary-level governments can ensure all the funds will be put to best use.