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63824 中国时报记者:今年两会因为疫情延到5月举行,这个时间点刚好跟“5·20”非常接近。 China Times: Because of COVID-19, the Two Sessions this year have been postponed to May, which is quite close to the date of 20 May.
63825 在民进党继续执政的情况下,未来大陆对台政策的总体考量是什么?未来将如何继续推进两岸关系发展? As the DPP continues to govern in Taiwan, what is the overall consideration of the mainland concerning its policy toward Taiwan? And what will the mainland do to promote relations across the Taiwan Strait?
63826 李克强:我在政府工作报告中已经说了,我们对台的大政方针是一贯的,也是世人共知的。 Premier Li: As I said in the Government Work Report, our principles and policies toward Taiwan have been consistent and well-known to the international community.
63827 要坚持一个中国原则、坚持“九二共识”、坚决反对“台独”。 We will stay committed to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We will continue to firmly oppose "Taiwan independence".
63828 在这个政治基础上,我们愿同台湾各党派、团体和人士就两岸关系和民族未来对话协商,推动两岸和平发展,我们愿以最大诚意,尽最大努力促进祖国和平统一。 Based on this political foundation, we are ready to have dialogue and consultation with any party, group or personage in Taiwan regarding cross-Strait relations and the future of the Chinese nation, and promote peaceful growth of cross-Strait relations. We will continue to show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China.
63829 台湾问题是中国的内政,我们从来都反对外来干涉。 The Taiwan question is China's internal affair. And we have all along opposed external interference.
63830 中华民族有智慧、有能力解决好自己的事。 The Chinese nation has the wisdom and the ability to handle its own affairs.
63831 我们视台湾同胞为手足,血浓于水,始终高度重视台湾同胞的福祉。 We view our fellow compatriots in Taiwan as brothers and sisters. Blood is thicker than water. We will continue to pay high attention to their well-being.
63832 就像这次疫情发生后,大家共同努力,没有台湾同胞在大陆因感染新冠肺炎失去生命。 Thanks to our joint efforts, there has been no loss of life to COVID-19 among Taiwan compatriots working and living on the mainland.
63833 面对疫情,我们祈福两岸同胞都平安健康。 In the face of the epidemic, we wish people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait safety and good health.