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63854 人民群众有无穷创造力。 We can certainly rely on the innovation and initiative of the Chinese people in this respect.
63855 回想改革开放之初,大批知青返城,就一个“大碗茶”解决了多少人的就业! One may recall when young people returned to the cities from the countryside in large numbers in the early days of reform and opening-up, the opening of roadside tea stands helped to put many of them to work.
63856 两周前,我看到报道,西部有个城市,按照当地的规范,设置了3.6万个流动商贩的摊位,结果一夜之间有10万人就业。 About two weeks ago, I saw in the news that a city in China's western region, in keeping with local rules and regulations, set up 36,000 mobile stalls, adding some 100,000 new jobs overnight.
63857 中国人民是勤劳的,中国的市场也在不断开拓和升级。 Our people are hardworking and the Chinese market keeps expanding and upgrading.
63858 当然,对重点人群就业,我们有重点扶持政策。 In this process, the government must focus on providing support to key groups in their employment.
63859 今年大学毕业生创新高,达到874万人,要让他们成为“不断线的风筝”,今明两年都要持续提供就业服务。 The number of new college graduates will reach a record high of 8.74 million this year. We must provide employment services to these people, both this year and next, so that they will not be left to their own devices.
63860 对农民工,不论是在常住地还是返乡,都要给他们提供就业服务平台。 And for rural migrant workers, no matter whether they are still working in a city or have returned to their hometown, we will put in place employment service platforms to support them in landing jobs.
63861 对退役军人,要切实把安置政策落实好。 We must also fully implement all the support measures for demobilized military personnel as well.
63862 凤凰卫视记者:这次全国人大会议作出了关于建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制的决定,全国人大常委会将就此制定专门的法律。 Phoenix TV: At this year's NPC Session, a decision was adopted on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR. The Standing Committee of the NPC will also set in motion a legislative process in this respect.
63863 这是否表明中央调整了对香港的政策,是否放弃了“一国两制”?对于当下各方的反应您如何看待? Does this mean that the Central Government has adjusted its policy toward Hong Kong and abandoned "one country, two systems"? How do you respond to the various comments in this respect?