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63884 请问总理,这和市场化改革之间是什么关系?政府在这方面的重点是什么? What are their relations with market-oriented reforms? What will be the priorities of reform this year?
63885 李克强:中国改革开放40多年的经验表明,越是困难越要坚持改革。 Premier Li: Our experience in the past 40-plus years of reform and opening-up shows that the greater difficulty we face, the more important it is for us to keep to reform.
63886 我们宏观政策提出的“稳”和“保”,是通过市场主体去支撑的,而且是奔着市场主体的困难和关切去做的,这本身就是市场化改革的做法。 In our macro policies, we outlined sets of priority areas where stability is key and where protections are needed. Our measures are designed to help those vast numbers of market entities and are built around addressing their difficulties and concerns. This in itself is consistent with our market-oriented reform.
63887 我们首先是要让市场主体活下来。 First and foremost, we must help all our businesses survive.
63888 政策的真金白银主要是为市场主体纾困,激发市场活力。 Our solid measures must serve to provide vital relief to businesses and revitalize the market.
63889 真金白银要确保落到企业和个体工商户身上。 Hence, all these measures must deliver real gains to companies and support self-employed individuals.
63890 这次政府工作报告说,要留得青山,赢得未来。我们现在有1.2亿市场主体,他们就是青山,留住他们,就会赢得未来。 As I said in the Government Work Report, we must do our utmost to help the 120 million market entities in China sustain themselves, and that will help us assure success for the future.
63891 不仅要让市场主体活下去,更重要的是通过“放管服”改革把他们激活起来。 At the same time we must work hard to help our businesses thrive by pressing ahead with reform of government functions.
63892 要打造市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,打掉那些不合理的条条框框,让他们公平竞争。 We will continue to foster a market-oriented and world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework. The government must lift all unnecessary restrictions on market entities to facilitate fair competition.
63893 这种措施看似无形,但能创造出有形的财富,干好了,不亚于真金白银的投入。 Such policies and measures, intangible as they are, will create tangible wealth in our businesses just like real investments.