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63894 再有,就是要让新的市场主体更多地长出来。 Furthermore, we must work hard to help more new market entities emerge.
63895 大家都知道,这次应对疫情中,像网购、快递、云办公等等一些新业态是逆势增长,有的营业收入增长了三分之二,而且现在新业态还层出不穷。 We have seen a trend-bucking surge of growth in new forms of business and industry during the COVID-19 response, including online shopping, express delivery services, and teleworking. Some new forms of business have even seen their revenues increase by two thirds.
63896 这和我们这些年来深化供给侧结构性改革,推动高质量发展,培育壮大新动能,开展大众创业、万众创新都有关。 I believe such developments are very much attributable to our initiatives and reforms in recent years, including the supply-side structural reform, our efforts to promote high-quality development and foster new drivers of growth, and our initiative of encouraging business start-ups and innovation.
63897 我们应该把这些经验推广开,促使新动能、新的市场主体更多地成长。 We must use the experience gained in this process to the fullest extent to foster more growth drivers and help more market entities grow.
63898 今年我们要努力做到平均每日新注册企业2万户左右,这是观察中国经济活力的一个重要指标。 This year, our goal is to see that the number of newly registered businesses stay at about 20,000 on an average day. And that figure has become an important indicator gauging the economic vitality of China.
63899 我们重视中小微企业,并不是不重视大企业,还是希望大中小企业共生共荣,而且期待一些中小微企业将来会成长为大企业,形成一个相互融通发展的局面。 We pay close attention to these smaller firms, but we also highly value the role of big companies. We hope that companies of all sizes will be able to thrive together through close cooperation and collaboration. We also expect that more smaller firms will one day grow into large companies.
63900 今年我们不仅要看纾困政策用得怎么样,还要看营商环境的改善是否明显,这样可以产生乘数效应。 This year,we must ensure full delivery of all these relief and support measures, and at the same time work for notable improvement in China's business environment. These measures, when combined, will produce multiplying effects.
63901 日本朝日新闻记者:世界经济因为新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延正在遭受严重打击,中国已控制住疫情,今后是否有同包括日本在内的周边各国开展经济合作的计划?中国今后在中日韩自贸协定和自由贸易体系建立方面计划如何推进?中国打算参加跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)吗? Asahi Shimbun: COVID-19 has taken a big hit on the global economy. But China has been successful in bringing the spread of the virus under control. What does China plan to do to advance economic cooperation with Japan and other neighboring countries? What is China's plan for advancing the FTA among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and other free trade arrangements? Does China have a plan to join the TPP?
63902 李克强:在去年东亚合作领导人系列会议上,十五国领导人共同作出承诺,今年要如期签署区域全面经济伙伴关系协定,我希望并相信这个承诺不会落空。 Premier Li: I recall that last year at the leaders' meeting of East Asian cooperation, leaders of 15 countries made the commitment of signing the RCEP by the end of this year. I hope and believe that this commitment will not come to nothing.
63903 我们也在积极推进中日韩自贸区建设。 China, Japan and the ROK are also working closely together to advance their FTA development.