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63914 按原本的账还有500多万贫困人口,受这次疫情冲击,可能会有一些人返贫,脱贫的任务更重了。 Before COVID-19 struck, there were some 5 million people living below the poverty line. But because of the disease, some may have fallen back into poverty. Hence we now face a greater task in meeting our goal.
63915 我们会多策并举,特别是要采取措施把脱贫的底线兜住,我们有把握完成今年决胜脱贫攻坚的任务。 But with our multi-pronged policies and measures to ensure the essential needs of our people, we have the confidence to win the battle against poverty this year.
63916 各级政府都要以人民利益为上,以万家疾苦为重。 Governments at all levels must always put people's interests first and bear in mind the hardships of the Chinese people.
63917 每出一策,都要考虑是否有利于千家万户、有利于民生。 In introducing each and every policy, we must make sure that it contributes to the well-being of all families and to the better lives of our people.
63918 今年我们在应对疫情冲击过程中,要特别认真细致地考虑把各方面困难人群保障起来,扩大低保和失业保障的范围。 In responding to COVID-19 this year, we must make thoughtful and meticulous plans to ensure the basic needs of all vulnerable groups. In this respect, we have decided to expand the coverage of subsistence allowance and unemployment benefits.
63919 现在低保、失业保障、特困救助等人员大概一年6000万人左右,我们预计今年人数会增加较多。 Some 60 million people in China still live on subsistence allowance or receive unemployment benefits, penury assistance, or other relief or support. This year, we are expected to see a big increase in the number of recipients.
63920 保障和救助资金是足够的,把他们保障住是有能力的。 We have sufficient funds to support these vulnerable groups.
63921 我们要求一定要把账算细,把钱用到刀刃上,使民生得到切实保障。 We must use the money wisely to ensure that every cent will be well spent.
63922 全国还有近3亿领养老金的人员,今年我们提高了养老金的标准,说到就要做到。 Some 300 million senior Chinese citizens live on old-age pension. We decided to raise the pensions for these retirees this year. We must fully deliver all our commitments.
63923 实干为要,行胜于言。 Actions count, and actions always speak louder than words.