ID 原文 译文
63924 我们现在的社保基金结存和储备足以保证养老金按时足额发放,但工作不能出任何纰漏。 We have sufficient balance in our social security fund to ensure that pension benefits will be paid on time and in full, and there should be no loopholes in the operation of the fund.
63925 在这个事上出纰漏,就会让人们对未来没有信心。 This way, we will be able to give our people more hope about their future.
63926 中华民族有尊老传统,我们要让社会各方面都感到希望。 More importantly, the Chinese have a tradition of respecting and taking good care of the elderly.
63927 要统筹把各项保障落实到位,这也会有力支撑民心安定,推动经济发展。 We must ensure that all the benefits and support will be duly provided. This will reassure our people and also help us promote China's economic development.
63928 民为邦本,本固邦宁。 As the saying goes, the people is the foundation of a state. When the foundation is strong, the state will be secure.
63929 这方面的工作不是一件事,而是多件事,我们都要做好、做到位。 So we must fully deliver on all those policies and measures.
63930 相信中国人民的生活会更好。 And that will make our people more hopeful about their future.
63931 新加坡联合早报记者:您在政府工作报告中提到,因为全球疫情和经贸形势不确定性很大,中国发展面临一些难以预料的影响因素。 Lianhe Zaobao: In the Government Work Report, you said that China will face some factors that are difficult to predict in its development due to the great uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and world economic and trade environment.
63932 您对目前中国面对的外部形势有怎样的判断?中国将如何应对外部环境的变化?对于全球应对公共卫生挑战和经济严重衰退挑战,中国将发挥什么作用? So what is your reading of the external situation China faces? What will China do to cope with the changes in the international environment? And what role will China play in the global responses to the public health challenge and the challenge of serious global recession?
63933 李克强:我们先看一下现在世界的变化。 Premier Li: Let's look at what's happening around us.