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63944 当然也有人会说,要对产业链、供应链进行调整。 Some have made plain their intention to readjust the global industrial and supply chains.
63945 至于企业的调整布局,是按市场规律办事,市场规律本来就是企业进进出出、生生死死。 We believe the shifts in global production of businesses should be done in accordance with market principles. In the marketplace, it is only natural for companies to come and go, succeed or fail.
63946 我们不能违背市场规律,凭空设计,而是要让市场更加相互开放。 People should not make arbitrary plans against market rules. Instead, we should open up our markets wider to each other.
63947 坚持双向开放,那就要友好相处。 In an environment of mutual openness, we believe it's important for countries to live side by side in amity.
63948 第一,我们希望同世界各国相互尊重、平等相待。 We hope that all countries will observe the principles of mutual respect and equality.
63949 国家不管大小、贫富、强弱,都应该遵循这个规则。 We believe that all countries should be equals, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak.
63950 相处规则如果有不完善之处需要调整改革,大家一起商量着办。 And if there are some rules in today's world that need to be improved, we can all sit down and work things out through discussions.
63951 第二,互利互惠。 We need to pursue mutual benefit in our cooperation.
63952 既然是合作,就要共赢,独赢是不会长久的,吃独食也是行不通的。 We don't think for any one particular party to take all the benefits will work.
63953 只有在共赢中大家才能够共同成长。 Instead, we should pursue win-win. And in this environment we may achieve shared success.