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63954 再有,就是相互帮助、相互学习。各国都有各自的长处,都要担负起应尽的国际责任,携手应对各种困难和挑战。 Countries should also support, help and learn from each other, as we can make the most of our comparative advantages. We believe all countries should fulfill their due international obligations and work together to tackle common challenges and difficulties.
63955 中国作为一个发展中大国,会担负起我们应当担负的国际责任。 And China, as a large developing country, will surely live up to its share of international responsibilities.
63956 中国是一个庞大的市场,我们推进的纾困和激发市场活力的规模性政策,会进一步扩大消费市场。 China is a huge market. All these policies of a sizable scale that we have introduced to provide relief to businesses will further spur consumption and energize our market.
63957 希望中国还是大家看好的投资沃土。 And we hope that people will stay optimistic about coming to invest in this big market of China.
63958 我们愿意进口更多国外商品,成为面向世界的大市场。 China is also prepared to boost imports from other parts of the world and we will be a big market for the whole world.
63959 至于说到怎么应对疫情这场公共卫生挑战,让世界经济走出困境,我前面多次说了,要同舟共济、携手同行。 As for how to respond to the public health crisis and global economic recession, as I have said in my previous remarks, we believe all members of the global community should pull together in a sense of partnership to prevail over the current difficulty.
63960 我希望并相信,各国人民共同努力,疫情之后会更开放,衰退之后会有新繁荣。 We hope and believe that with joint efforts of people around the world, the post-COVID-19 world will be a more open one. And this post-recession world will embrace new prosperity.
63961 记者会采用网络视频形式进行,主会场设在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅,分会场设在梅地亚两会新闻中心。 The Press Conference was held via a video link between the main venue, the Golden Hall on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People, and the Press Center for the NPC and CPPCC Sessions at Media Center Hotel.
63962 记者会历时约110分钟。 It lasted for about 110 minutes.
63963 วิกฤติโควิดโอกาสทองข้าวไทย 疫情危机 ,泰国大米的黄金机遇