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767 4.2消化内镜及支气管镜清洗消毒处理流程 4.2 Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures for Digestive Endoscopy and Bronchofibroscopy
768 1)将内镜及复用按钮放入0.23%过氧乙酸水槽中(测试消毒液浓度,确保有效使用); (1) Soak the endoscope and reusable valves in 0.23% peroxyacetic acid (confirm the concentration of the disinfectant before use to make sure it will be effective);
769 2)连接内镜各通道灌流管路,用50毫升注射器往管路里注入0.23%过氧乙酸液体,使之充分充盈,静置5分钟; (2) Connect the perfusion line of each channel of the endoscope, inject 0.23% peroxyacetic acid liquid into the line with a 50 mL syringe until fully filled, and wait for 5 minutes;
770 3)卸除灌流管路,用一次性内镜专用清洗刷刷洗内镜各腔道及按钮; (3) Detach the perfusion line and wash each cavity and valve of the endoscope with a disposable special cleaning brush;
771 4)按钮放入含酶超声波震荡仪震荡,内镜连接各通道灌流管路,用50毫升注射器往管路里注入0.23%过氧乙酸液体,持续冲洗5分钟,注入空气干燥1分钟; (4) Put the valves into an ultrasonic oscillator containing enzyme to oscillate it. Connect the perfusion line of each channel with the endoscope. Inject 0.23% peroxyacetic acid into the line with a 50 mL syringe and flush the line continuously for 5 minutes. Inject air to dry it for 1 minute;
772 5)用50毫升注射器往管路里注入清水,持续冲洗3分钟,注入空气干燥1分钟; (5) Inject clean water into the line with a 50 mL syringe and flush the line continuously for 3 minutes. Inject air to dry it for 1 minute;
773 6)进行内镜的泄露测试; (6) Perform a leakage test on the endoscope;
774 7)放入全自动内镜洗消机,设置高水平消毒进行处理; (7) Put in an automatic endoscopic washing and disinfection machine. Set a high level of disinfection for treatment;
775 8)送消毒供应中心,环氧乙烷灭菌。 (8) Send the devices to the disinfection supply center to undergo sterilization with ethylene oxide.
776 4.3其他可复用医疗器械预处理 4.3 Pre-treatment of Other Reusable Medical Devices